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Mrs. Devantier's Page: English 8

Week 4 April 20 -24

Dear Parents and Students,

I know that these times are confusing and challenging, but I have been struggling to maintain this interface for the organic teaching experience. I am moving all my classes to Google Classroom. If you please sign in under your student email (through the school district) with that will allow you free access to all of the features of Google Classroom.

If you are joining French 8 (All Blocks) use code: wi3klst

If you are joining French 9 (All Blocks) use code: n43ghux

If you are joining English 8 use code: i3pvftc

If you are joining Socials 8 use code: zpkubbf

If you get stumped on how to use the system there are many tutorials online and I am starting to learn how to do things too. 

Thank you and take care!

-Mrs. D 

Week 1 March 30 - April 3

This is totally optional work, but if you are bored and looking to try something new, I suggest listening to an audiobook. Studies have shown that listening to an audiobook stimulates similar regions of the brain as reading does, but it's practical because it allows you to do other things while you listen! I like to paint, colour, draw, or walk around the neighbourhood while listening to my audiobooks. 

You can create a free account on audible and start listening right away. They have many books that are free right now. I suggest this one: 

If you listen, send me a review through email. (I am working to get a group chat going or at least a place where we can all virtually interact)

Week 2 April 6 - April 10

Week 3 April 14 - 17

Marie Devantier is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: English Class
Time: Apr 15, 2020 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 802 523 045
Password: 005880

Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada