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Mrs. Devantier's Page: French 8

Week 4 April 20 - 24

Dear Parents and Students,

I know that these times are confusing and challenging, but I have been struggling to maintain this interface for the organic teaching experience. I am moving all my classes to Google Classroom. If you please sign in under your student email (through the school district) with that will allow you free access to all of the features of Google Classroom.

If you are joining French 8 (All Blocks) use code: wi3klst

If you are joining French 9 (All Blocks) use code: n43ghux

If you are joining English 8 use code: i3pvftc

If you are joining Socials 8 use code: zpkubbf

If you get stumped on how to use the system there are many tutorials online and I am starting to learn how to do things too. 

Thank you and take care!

-Mrs. D 

Week 1: March 30 - April 3

While we are all settling into getting ourselves sorted out, I encourage you to stay current with your French studies. Because this is OPTIONAL work I would like for it to be relaxed. Let's watch a movie. It's free. On Youtube. Send me a review via email once you have watched it. Select 5-10 words you heard that you understood without looking at the subtitles. My email is 

“Marc is sitting in his bath one morning and asks his wife, “how would you feel if I shaved off my mustache?” She doesn’t think it’s a great idea, for the 15 years they’ve been married, she’s never known him without his ‘stache. He shaves it off anyway, but when he sees his wife, she doesn’t notice, neither do their friends at dinner that night, neither do his co-workers. Marc finally flips out, shouts at everyone, tells them he’s tired of their little joke, and what do they really think. His wife and co-workers are appalled, what is he talking about, he’s never had a mustache. In fact, he’s imagining other things as well, or is he? 

Week 2: April 6 - April 10


If you need to make an appointment to get into your locker, please contact Mr. Sharpe ( ) to make sure you are eligible and able to do so. They can also facilitate unpacking your locker entirely and just handing it to a parent should that be needed. 

Take care. Wash your hands. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Week 3 April 14 - 17

Next week we will have a quiz on TUESDAY AFTERNOON (time and link to follow) about all of the vocabularies of family relations and basic descriptions. 

Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada