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Mrs. Devantier's Page: French 9

Week 4 April 20 - 24

Dear Parents and Students,

I know that these times are confusing and challenging, but I have been struggling to maintain this interface for the organic teaching experience. I am moving all my classes to Google Classroom. If you please sign in under your student email (through the school district) with that will allow you free access to all of the features of Google Classroom.

If you are joining French 8 (All Blocks) use code: wi3klst

If you are joining French 9 (All Blocks) use code: n43ghux

If you are joining English 8 use code: i3pvftc

If you are joining Socials 8 use code: zpkubbf

If you get stumped on how to use the system there are many tutorials online and I am starting to learn how to do things too. 

Thank you and take care!

-Mrs. D 

Week 1: March 30 - April 3

This first week is optional, but I assume some of you are bored and just want to get back to normal, so here it is. 

Here's a review of the passe compose (forgive my lack of accents, I have to figure that out in this new program): 

 The fashion show assignment will also have to change now that we aren't physically together. Find a picture on the internet or take a picture of yourself. That is now your supermodel. Try not to pick outfits that are too wild or bizarre unless you are confident you can describe it well without relying on a translator. The odd single word is ok, but you should never get a while phrase from any translation service used.

So this assignment will have two parts. You can use your phone to make a video of you describing your person and their clothing. If you don't want the whole world to see it, that's fine. Try to email it directly to me. I don't know what the file size restrictions are so that may get tricky if the video is high def. I don't need great visual quality, just the audio. Or you can privately post it to Youtube and send me the link if you have an existing Youtube channel. 

Part two is written. You describe the outfit that you wore yesterday. This is to focus on the passe compose and should include as much detail as possible. Did you spill your breakfast on your shirt? That's now part of your clothing. Did you change from your night pajamas into your day pajamas? Perfect, that sounds like you're living the quarantine dream. When you have this done it should be emailed to me as well. 

Both the audio and written assignments are due to me by Friday, April 10th. 

For reference my email is

Week 2: April 6 - April 10

There is a file that has all the vocabulary that you will need to get the work done.

If you have all your binders and belongings in your locker please do not hesitate to contact Mr Sharpe to book an appointment to get into the school and retrieve your things. 

Week 3 April 14 - 17

Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada