IB DP Visual Arts Course Companion Textbook (Oxford)
Chapter 2 - Formal Elements of Art - pages 15-28
Chapter 3 - The Comparative Study - pages 29-69
Assessment Rubric and Checklist
Your Comparative Study will be marked on very specific assessment criteria. Refer to the Assessment Criteria Rubric and the Comparative Study Checklist often to make sure you are fulfilling all of the assessment criteria.
GSS and IB Sample Comparative Studies
These Comparative Studies earned a mark of 6 or 7, as indicated in parentheses.
Note 1: The Comparative Study must include parenthetical citations (in-text citations) and an APA References list (using Noodle Tools) for ALL images and information that are NOT your own. See the examples above and Note 2 below.. Students are required to submit the list of sources that they used and in-text citations (parenthetical citations) are required in the text at the point of use of the information. See the document GSS Guidelines for Documenting Sources for appropriate formatting of citations. See Mr. Thomson in the library for help with this.
Note 2: Every image used within the Comparative Study must be appropriately referenced to acknowledge the title, artist, medium and date (where this information is known) and the source. When HL students include any images of their own original work, these must also be identified and acknowledged in the same way.
Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada