When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.
John Muir (My First Summer in the Sierra, 1911)
Big Idea
The biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere are interconnected, as matter cycles and energy flows through them.
Sustainability of systems - a systems approach to sustainability sees all matter and energy as interconnected and existing in dynamic equilibrium (e.g. carbon as a key factor in climate change; greenhouse effect; water cycle, etc.).
First Peoples knowledge of interconnectedness and sustainability - everything is connected, from local to global; First Peoples perspectives on interconnectedness; First Peoples perspectives on sustainability of systems.
Questioning and predicting - What is the energy consumption of your school? How can schools conserve energy? What are the different impacts of technical energy upgrades versus behaviour change energy conservation initiatives? What are the climate change impacts of energy conservation?
Planning and conducting - Organize a month long energy challenge to investigate the reduction in energy consumption in your school (Alexandra Tudose can provide students with an energy challenge toolkit).
Processing, analyzing and evaluating data and information - How much did your building’s energy decrease over the month? (school energy data is available through the SD42 PUMA energy management software – Alexandra Tudose can provide reports + login). Limitations of this model: the impact weather has on energy consumption; the impact # of students has on energy consumption
Applying and innovating - What can your school do to decrease its long-term energy use? The same question applies for any other building type, like your home or community centre. What can you do to make an impact on climate change and help keep the world green and sustainable?
Communicating - Communicate your findings to your class, your school, your Principal and even your Board of Education, Mayor & Council.
Core Competencies
Communication, Thinking, Personal & Social
These resources are part of the Science 9 presentation on Climate Change and Sustainability by Alexandra Tudose, SD42 Manager, Energy & Environmental Sustainability. To book this presentation for your Science 9 class, contact Alexandra at alexandra_tudose@sd42.ca.
In depth resources for students completing detailed research, and for teachers.
Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada