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The words Hmong and Mong refer to an Asian ethnic group. Their homeland is southern China. In the 18th century, Hmong people started moving to other Southeast Asian countries. Today, they live in northern Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, and Myanmar. In 1975, communists took over Laos. After they took over, many Hmong people moved to the United States, Australia, France, French Guiana, and Canada. Hmong people divide themselves into the White Hmong, the Green Hmong, and other smaller groups.
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Survival International
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Where the forest meets the sea is a story about a child's exploration of an ancient coastal rainforest. using a unique relief collage art form
The animated film takes the viewer on an extraordinary visual journey, the film ends asking the question, what future do we choose for our few remaining special untouched natural places such as this? (Youtube 9.52)
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Grade 3 Socials Studies
Big Ideas
Inquiry Questions
Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada