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Mr. Mccreedy's Page: Home

Mr McCreedy Metalwork & Skills Exploration

Hello to all students and parents/guardians.

At this time, i hope everyone is doing well and has been able to stay busy in these times. From here on out until further notice, all of instructions will be relayed using myblueprint, as everyone should have an account. if you have never been on to my blueprint, i will include the steps required to get into your account.

  1. Go to (make sure its the .ca, NOT the .com)
  2. Click on Log In.
  3. Don’t put your log in info here, select school account login.


  1.  This will take you to another page, use the drop-down menu to select SD42 Maple Ridge.


  1. You will then be taken to a district 42 login page.


Password: gss.MMDD (date of birth, unless changed)

Once you are in your myblueprint profile, go to class activities and select your class (either metalwork or skills exploration) to see the activities planned.

I you need any help or have any questions email me at



Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada