Life Cycles
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World Book Kids article: Life Cycle
Bill Nye the Science Guy - Life Cycles
Helix Media Library video - Login with your SD42 login.
Check out the Life Cycle collection on epic!
Click on the pictures to read the articles and books.
World Book Kids articles
National Geographic Kids eBooks
World Book eBook: Monarchs and Other Butterflies
Click on the pictures to watch the videos.
National Geographic Kids video
SciShow Kids video
Dr. Binocs Show video
Peep and the Big Wide World video: Peep's New Friend
Look for these books in your library.
Curriculum Connections for Grade 2 Science
Big Ideas
Living things have life cycles adapted to their environment.
Sample Inquiry Questions
Metamorphic: metamorphic life cycles: body structure changes (e.g., caterpillar to butterfly, mealworm transformation, tadpoles to frog)
Non-metamorphic: non-metamorphic life cycles: organism keeps same body structure through life but size changes (e.g., humans)
Offspring and parent: a kitten looks like cat and a puppy looks like dog but they do change as they grow; salmon change a great deal as they grow and need fresh and salt water environments to survive
Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada