Electronic Devices
1. In my opinion cell phone use will not aid you in learning the Physics IB curriculum therefore cell phones are not allowed to be used in my classroom. Please turn off all cell phones and put them away.
2. If I see a cell phone after you enter my classroom, I will ask you to give up your cell phone for the day. I will return the cell phone at the end of the day. Any issues or problems with this policy will be referred to your parents and/or the administration.
3. Music players are also not to be used in my classroom. In my opinion they will prevent you from actively listening to my lessons and are a detriment to your learning. Please put these away and take any ear buds etc. out of your ears. Once again any issues or problems with this policy will be referred to your parents and/or the administration.
This game is all about understanding force vectors. Fact: The first man-landing on the moon required Niel Armstrong to override the computer controls in landing the landing craft. He made to the surface with about 1 min of fuel left on board!
Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada