We will be using a new text book in Physics 11 - BC Science Physics 11. My old text was over 20 years old and we have moved on to a new work-book style of text book. This type of text book allows studendt to write their answers in the work book. Of course this would make the book useless for students taking this course in subsequent years. The students will be ask to purchase the text book at a cost of $25.00 (refundable) at the begining of the year. If they DO NOT WRITE in the book then the student will receive a full refund at then end of the course if the book is returned in good shape.
1. Cell phone use may become very distracting in a learning environment. You can imagine during a learning situation that a student may miss some important information and then not being able to understand course material being presented by using his/her phone at inappropriate times. I ask that all cells phones be put away during class instruction. If cell phone mis-use becomes an issue then I will contact parents in hope of some resolution.
2. However I would like to encourage you to bring laptops or tablets with to class. You can access a number of sims, youtube videos, and yes even my own notes to help you out in class.
Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada