Welcome back!
I hope you have had an interesting and fun-filled summer!
I will be using a new marking policy this year. Go check it out in my Course Policy hand out.
Salman Khan is one great source of information. He has simple explanations on Physics, Chemsitry , Biology, Mathematics and many others. If you need a further explanation or just "don't get it" then try using this site to find your topic and listen and watch Khan's presentation.
We will be using the text book Physics 12 -BC Science Physics 12. We have moved to a work-book style of text book. This type of text book allows students to write their answers right in the work book. Of course this would make the book useless for students taking this course in subsequent years. As a result, the students will be ask to purchase the text book at a cost of $25.00 at the begining of the year.
Garibaldi Secondary School, Maple Ridge, British Columbia, Canada